Teresa – I will become a Chaplain because…
Posted on 17. Aug, 2012 by Don007 in General, Testimonies
I will become a Chaplain because
of all I have been given. All my life has been leading to now to be led by the Holy Spirit, not my will but God’s will in my life. Life has shown me that we have only poor results when we lead. I’ve been trying all my life for good results only to finally realize its not me but Him.
My calling has always been to those who no one wants, or sees or hears. To be their eyes, ears and give my love.
I now confess that I will and am completely dependent on the Lord of Lords, the Holy Spirit, the name above all names. I will now and forever listen to the still small voice of the Spirit, waiting for direction to act and to move forward. I will and am now sensitive to the voice of the holy Spirit and I will wait for Him to speak to my heart and life. My prayer is when He speaks, I hear, and I will do as He instructs me to do. I will follow His voice because I know I made a few mistakes I can’t wait to see the harvest.