2013 Chaplian Skip Highlights

Posted on 06. Jan, 2014 by in General

  • 2013 was a stellar year to be serving the Lords People, the following are just a few of the highlights.
  • We started off the year with a new generation of Chaplains in the Class, 19 of which finished their first year and all of them are going into internship in 2014.
  •  The special needs ministry has grown and new volunteers have joined the wheelchair bus ministry.
  • Pastors School ( the Dream Conference ) was a great success this year with an army of Compassion in their Chaplain Purple shirts leading the Charge.
  • The special needs Camp fundraiser and silent auction was more than we had ever expected, many special needs people in the community were able to go to Special touch camp in Williams Az.

where they done everything from arts and crafts to water sliding to riding on a zip line from a mountain top and landing in a lake. The highlight of the year for all that attended!

  • The Christmas gift bag event was done on a midweek service this year for the first time and the congregation came out in record numbers to help us assemble over 1500 gift bags in one hour. We distributed them to Care centers around the Valley along with the V.A. medical center care facility and Alzheimer’s unit. And we also went to the Arizona State Hospital this year for the first time which was absolutely incredible.
  • Our Bar B Q on the patio was wonderful, we cooked about 400 hot dogs served with home made beans and tortilla chips and pudding for desert to our special needs class and had some a worship band playing before taking all of them in to see the Celebration of Christmas, which was really over the top this year.
  • Our Special Night (the first performance of COC is reserved for the elderly and special needs in our community. Approximately 3500 were in attendance and they got the white glove treatment from our 100 volunteers who come out to make this all happen, Many of them were Chaplains. What a blessing to see all of the elderly getting off of busses  to come see the Show (many of them 90 and over)
  • Chaplain Graduation was totally amazing this year as well, it seems to just get better every year.
  • Compassionate Ministries Won first place for our Tom Sawyer Land at “trunk or treat” this year Chaplain Mellissa and her husband Matt done a great job making it all come together.
  • Skip and Eva Got Married on 11/12/13 and the Chaplains came out in full force to make it an event that I will never forget. Thanks to Pastors Don and Sharon for doing the ceremony. Thanks to Chaplains Shonna and Kevin for doing all the pictures and much more, and Chaplain Ann Bell for providing the food. Chaplains ROCK (just saying)
  • This will be my 6th year as the Chaplain for Bethesda Gardens which has been one of my biggest blessings, the people I have had the pleasure of knowing there have become like family and I love being their Chaplain and their friend.
  • This will be my 5th year as Chaplain Placement Coordinator under Pastors Don and Sharon Henning, These people have impacted my life more than they will ever know. They are Genuine to the core, there is never any concern as to what they say, they tell it like it is and there are no grey areas. The curriculum they have produced for this Chaplain class is top notch and I am changed forever by it. I am sure that Thank you is not enough to say for all they have done for the body of Christ. So I will put it in Dons own words  ‘Awesome’  Love Never Fails
  • I look forward to seeing what the Lord has to surprise us with this year. God bless you all.


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