Kimberlin – I will become a Chaplain because…
Posted on 19. Aug, 2012 by Don007 in General, Testimonies
The role of the chaplain involves not only care and counseling, but also teaching, worship, evangelism, administration, and other duties of a leader in the church. I am called to be such a person. I am watchful for who God wants me to assist. I strive to act in a loving way to demonstrate comfort and encouragement.
The Chaplaincy Training Program has made a tremendous impact in my life. In all situations, I am the person who must see the value added for everything. Perhaps, I want to know that growth has occurred. I also want to ensure, I am continuously changing and improving to holistically be the “best” person possible. The transformation over the last 40+ weeks has been an awesome experience. My faith has increased to believe God for the impossible. To believe, I can be the light in the dark world.
I start each day thanking God for another day that I woke up to see. Now, what will we do today to help someone else? As I bathe myself in the Word of God, I seek His grace and mercy. I only desire for a whisper. … just a Word! I believe if today is worth living, then, time must not be wasted.
The call on my life is like fire burning in my bones. I am fully persuaded that Father God has called me to serve His people and win the lost. I often think of the scripture, many are called but few are chosen. I know beyond a doubt that I am chosen and I say yes to the leading and whisper of the Holy Spirit. My call is providing a personal relationship to others as I minister to the saved and the unsaved. I pray that my walk, my life exhibits behavior worthy of modeling and a testimony for the
goodness of God.
As a child, the Call of God was made very clear to me during my time with the Templeton’s. Uncle Temp continuously spoke victory over me. I recall him pulling my long braids telling me I would minister to many people. As a teenager, I knew God was going to use me in a mighty way to minster to His people. I knew God would use me in the capacity of teaching in the church and in the public sector. Additionally, I have always possessed the ability to motivate and encourage people to
strive for their goals and ambitions.
As a Chaplain, my vision is to work in Hospice. At the start of 2011, I want to start serving in a Care Center as my training and background check is complete. Now, I am ready to serve God’s people. I also want to assist with the new 2011 Chaplaincy Program as needed. Perhaps to setup the equipment or wipe down the desks prior to class. Over a year ago, God told me I would teach English classes to the residents at the Dream Center. As time moves forward, this assignment will become clearer.